The Authority Site System Review – Updated for 2023, Still Worth It?
The Authority Site System Review

Welcome to my Authority Site System Review!

So, you have seen this amazing training program called The Authority Site System, right?  You’re thinking of trying it or wondering if it’s worth the price tag?  But what is the Authority Site System all about?  Could it all be a scam?

Well, first off you can relax it isn’t a scam… (phew).  But it is a lot of money to consider investing in something and it’s great to see that you’re doing some research before you hand over your credit card details.

The Authority Site System is a training program offered by the guys at Authority Hacker.  They do also offer a more advanced course called Authority Hacker pro, but I’ll be going through the beginner course (TASS) today in this review.  It’s easy to confuse the two, but the price tells them apart.

So what is The Authority Site System then?  Well, it’s a training course that shows you how to build an authority niche website, rank it on the search engines, and then make money through something called affiliate marketing.

Whilst the sales pitch is excellent and the course does look great, there are a couple of things you should know before you give TASS serious consideration.

Firstly, building an authority niche website is a really hard thing to do.  It’s not going to happen in a week or even a month.  It takes a lot of time and effort to get your site ranking on the first page of Google, which is where you need to be, to make money.

Then there is the knowledge you will need if you are to ensure all of that time isn’t wasted on the wrong strategies.

Now, The Authority Site System is a course that will give you the right strategies to follow.  This is a great thing, but as to whether it’s right for you, it’s not as simple as that to answer.  Hence why this review will fill in all the details you need to know.

The Authority Site System is a training course designed by Mark Webster and Gael Barton, who are the same guys behind the Authority Hacker website.  They know their stuff…

Before we continue any further with this review, let me introduce myself…

Hi, I’m John!  I’m an affiliate marketer and I started making a passive income online as a full-time safety and compliance manager with no experience or marketing skills…

I’ve started reviewing internet marketing schemes and outing known scams to help find the best way to make money online!  I want to help others do the same and avoid the pitfalls I encountered along the way.

To get all of the answers to your questions, keep on reading my Authority Site System Review

Disclaimer: This Authority Site System review has been thoroughly researched with information and testimonials that are available online to anyone in the public.  Any conclusions drawn from that information are my own opinions.

The Authority Site System Review

Product Name: The Authority Site System (Authority Hacker)

Founder: Mark Webster & Gael Breton

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing Training Course

Price: $999 $599 with discount or 6 x $149.60

Best For: Looking to Build an Authority Niche Site (and is willing to put the time and effort into achieving that)

The Authority Site System Review Screenshot


  • Top-Rated comprehensive training
  • Access to a community
  • Includes a lot of templates and resources
  • Mark & Gael are well-known marketers
  • Success stories
  • It has a no-quibble refund policy
  • It’s constantly being updated


  • The price will put most beginners off
  • It doesn’t include any tools
  • Lack of a free trial
  • Authority sites are not for everyone (it requires hard work)
  • It could be overwhelming for beginners
  • Biased Positive TASS Reviews?

Quick Summary

The Authority Site System is a training course offered by Authority Hacker.  There are two levels of training offered by Authority Hacker, this one is aimed at beginners.  TASS will teach you how to build up an authority niche website from scratch, show you how to gain organic traffic from Google, and how to then make money from affiliate marketing.

It does offer some valuable training.  But it also comes with a high price tag, especially for someone who isn’t entirely convinced that this is the right path for them.  It will help you understand how to make the most of this awesome business model.  But it will also require a lot of time and effort on your part if you want to get a return on your investment.

Don’t be fooled, this isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme.  it is a legitimate way of learning affiliate marketing.  But you will require an additional budget for the tools they recommend, and a year to put these tools and training to good use.

It’s an amazing course if you have the budget for it, and it is not a scam.  But whether it’s entirely geared towards a beginner just testing the water, I wouldn’t say that it is.  


Recommended? Yes

Best Alternative: My #1 Recommendation is the leader in affiliate marketing training!  This platform has enabled me to go from earning $0 to $100’s per day with affiliate marketing and blogging!  It includes all of the tools and training you require… Learn more here…

Table of Contents

What is The Authority Site System?

The Authority Site System is a training program.  But it does offer a lot more than just training.  TASS is a complete step-by-step guide to building an authority niche website that makes money with affiliate marketing.

It guides you through how to build a niche website, get it ranked in the search engines, and then make money from it.  All whilst becoming an authority within your niche.

Building an authority site in any niche is the ultimate goal of any affiliate marketer.  So this training is designed to do just that, by providing you with the training and knowledge needed to achieve it.

The main thing you need to know about building an authoritative website is that it will take time.  Time and a lot of effort.  It isn’t something that will be achieved in a week or so.  From what I’ve seen, Mark and Gael know how to help you achieve it.  

But to understand whether the initial investment is worthwhile for you or not is to consider how committed to this are you.

Too many people fail with affiliate marketing because they give up too easily.  If you aren’t like that, then it might be a good option for you.

In my Authority Site System review, I’m sharing with you what you will learn from the course and what will benefit you from the course too.

The training includes 15 modules which cover off the following topics…

  • Market (Niche) research
  • Keyword research
  • Website setup
  • Design and branding
  • Content creation
  • Link building
  • Hiring and outsourcing
  • Monetisation
  • Analytics and tracking

It all sounds complicated, but the basic idea is that you will learn how to build a website from scratch.  They will help you choose a niche to base that website on and show you how to create high-quality content for it.  That way you can become an authority in that niche, so Google wants to show your content to its users. 

Only then can you start to see traffic coming to your website and finally click on your affiliate links, and make money.

They also include modules on outsourcing this content creation and a few other aspects too. I’ll share the details further in this review, but first, let’s learn a little more about Mark and Gael.  These are the guys behind this course.

Related Post: Commission Academy Review

Who's Behind The Authority Site System?

Most affiliate marketers who have been around a while will have heard of Mark Website and Gael Breton.  They have a very popular website called Authority Hacker, which is a top resource for many bloggers and affiliate marketers.

Mark and Gael have started this joint venture back in 2013 and since then, they have created several authority websites that have earned them millions over the last years.

Today, they share all their knowledge and expertise in The Authority Site System course.

Mark and Gael - Founders of Authority Hacker

About Gael Breton

Gael Breton is the co-founder of Authority Hacker.  He is also the editor-in-chief.  He focused on content creation, brand designs, course creation, etc for their business.

About Mark Webster

Mark Website is the other co-founder and also operates as the system expert.  His share of the business involves site building, creating backlins, outsourcing, and other technical parts of the business.

They are both well-versed in affiliate marketing and building authority websites, so there should be little concern about these guys being good enough to learn from. 

If you want to learn a little more about how much value they have to offer, then check out the blog on the Authority Hacker website and you will see a ton of resources showing they know their stuff.

What is Authority Hacker?

Authority Hacker is an authority website within the blogging and affiliate marketing world.  It’s a website filled with resources to help people learn more about online marketing.  They have a blog, a podcast, and a successful YouTube channel.

At present their YouTube channel has over 25K subscribers (including me).

Authority Hacker youtube profile

Their site has been going since 2013 and they have grown it to be a huge deal within the online marketing world.  Even if you didn’t decide to go with The Authority Site System training, I would still suggest you check out their blog and subscribe to their YouTube channel.

There is a lot of value to be had from following these guys.

How Does The Authority Site System Different to Authority Hacker Pro?

The best way to explain this is to provide you with a quick rundown of them both so that you can see the difference…

The Authority Site System

This is the course we are reviewing here today.  It’s a training course designed to take a complete beginner through the steps required to build a website, get it ranked in the search engines, and earn money from affiliate marketing. 

Those people who haven’t got started at all or have a website that doesn’t seem to be doing very well, would benefit from this course.

Authority Hacker Pro

This course is for those who already have a site and are making a modest profit.

I would generally recommend this if you’re earning over $1,000/month already as it contains some very advanced tactics. It covers a wide range of tactics from monetisation to content production. Generally speaking, Pro is only available during launch periods at certain times during the year.

There is a waiting list if you want to join that.  You can find details on their website.

How Does The Authority Site System Work?

The goal of the training series at The Authority Site System is to show you how to build an authority niche website that makes you money through affiliate marketing.

It offers nearly 200 video tutorials all based on a case study.  It’s over-the-shoulder training, so you can see exactly what they are doing when they are talking to you about it.

Inside the Authority Site System (review)

Now, the training is extensive.  But it is still aimed at those who know nothing, so you can definitely follow along.  But it should also be pointed out that whilst the training is good, it won’t do the work for you.  So, you have to put time and effort in everyday to see the results you desire.

Within the training program, there are 15-indepth modules that contain 181 over-the-shoulder videos.

They also base the whole course on a case study, so you can see what they are telling you to do.  It’s easier that way.

Here’s a breakdown of the 15 modules:

  1. Internet Marketing 101
  2. Brainstorming Niches
  3. Qualifying Niches
  4. Site Planning
  5. Site Step
  6. Branding
  7. Building Posts and Pages
  8. Creating Info Content
  9. Writing Content: Step-by-Step
  10. Optimising and Publishing Content
  11. Initial Link Building
  12. Affiliate Setup
  13. Writing and Optimising Commercial Content
  14. Advanced Tactics
  15. A Bonus Module – Becoming an Authority

Now let’s take you through what’s inside the Authority Site System…

Inside The Authority Site System

Let me break down and talk you through each of these modules, so you can understand what they will be teaching you…

#1 Internet Marketing 101

This module is an introduction to the method that the Authority Site System will be teaching you.  They will talk you through how an authority website works and why it’s a good way to make money online.

They will also share with you some live examples of authority sites that they have created.  This includes how they were built, how they make money, gained traffic, etc.

The key focus of attracting traffic they talk to you about is Search Engine Optimisation or SEO.  SEO is a major factor in becoming a successful authority site.  It’s also free traffic, which is awesome too.

SEO is a long-term strategy that will yield some awesome results, but you will have to put the time and effort into following this path.

#2 Brainstorming Niches

Choosing the right niche is integral to success with an authority site.   You need to ensure it’s a niche that you have a lot of interest in, as in you won’t tire of the topic.  The reason for this is that you will be working a lot on this topic.  

From researching about it to writing content about it.

The Authority Site System will teach you all about how to brainstorm niche ideas.  They also have updated this concept recently due to the high levels of competition there is.  They talk about a micro-niche. 

Becoming a specialist in a sub-section of a niche can help you stand out from the more generalised niche sites out there.

The module also includes information about website marketplaces, content marketplaces, affiliate programs, and other factors in making your niche decision.

#3 Qualifying Niches

The previous module focuses on all of the market research required to create a shortlist of contenders for your niche.  Now it’s time to finally make that decision.

This in-depth module will focus more on researching and refining your niche so that you pick one with long-term potential.  It needs to be an evergreen niche, which means it will always be popular.  If you picked a seasonal niche, i.e. Christmas jumpers, you will only have an opportunity when people are searching for Christmas jumpers.

So, it needs to be evergreen!

Choosing a niche can be quite a hard decision to make when first getting started, but the training looks like it will help you come to a decision a little easier.

Training Modules - Authority Site System

#4 Site Planning

After making your niche selection, comes the time to start planning out your website.  This involves keyword research to plan how to structure your content and sitemap.

Within this module, Gael shows you how to plan your content by looking at what your competitors are doing.  

It goes on to discuss the importance of having pillar content (content based on your niche and it’s target audience) and how to create categories on which to build your authority site on.

The Authority Site System does go through all the little details that you need to consider and factor in when building an authority site.  They talk about all of the steps they would complete if it was the site they were building.

#5 Site Setup

After understanding the planning of your new website, now it’s time to get it up and running.

This module shows you how to build a website from scratch.  This includes buying and setting up a domain and hosting.

The module also covers the basic WordPress setup, email setup, theme setup, and a few other elements.

(this will require additional tools which may cost you extra)

#6 Branding

It isn’t enough to have a website.  You need to look like an authority site if you want people to start considering you as one in your niche.  So, module 6 talks about branding your business and site.

Making it stand out from the crowd is essential stuff, considering how many others are out there trying to attract the same audience.

This training module will cover elements like creating your logo, brand colours and fonts, etc.  They will also discuss the correct use of images too.

Modules 4-6 the authority site system

#7 Building Posts & Pages

Once you’ve done the setup of your initial site, it’s time to start planning some content to add to it.  Four training modules will teach you how to create the content that you will need for your new website.

You will learn about building up your site structure and creating important pages like About, Privacy Policy, and Affiliate Disclosure.

There is also training on the key differences between a post and a page, and when to use them.

#8 Creating Info Content

What’s Info Content?  This is the basis of being an authority within your niche…

Those are the types of blog posts that are giving away valuable information that helps your users to solve problems, learn new things that they are interested in, and more.

So in this module of The Authority Site System, you will be learning how to find ideas for your info posts, create lists so that you never run short of ideas, and more.

#9 Writing Content: Step By Step

Module 9 is where your content creation will be ramped up a notch.  The initial framework of a site is the basic stuff.  But now you need to start creating content that is going to get people coming to your site… 

This module is a practical training that will show you how to research to allow you to write the content.  They show you how to use free resources like YouTube and search engine results (SERPs).

From this research, you can then start to outline the blog post, before sitting down and writing the content itself.

This is the key to SEO traffic.  Write informational content that helps solve problems or teaches readers about your niche.  The more high-quality content you create that has “Search Intent” right, will find itself at the top of the Google pages.  This is your goal to get high-quality traffic.

This is also the key to becoming an authority in your chosen niche.

#10 Optimsing and Publishing Content

When creating content, there is a process you need to complete before you publish it.

This is where you optimise your content ready for the search engines.  If you skip this step, you have little chance of the search engines finding your site.

This is called Search Engine Optimisation, typically called on-page SEO.  It’s not an exact science, but your aim is to ensure your post is targeting your chosen keyword correctly.  

Things like optimising your meta title, meta tags, and meta descriptions.  Use alt tags on your images correctly so that Google knows what it’s about.

Moreover, it includes uploading images, writing a meta description, adding internal and external links, and more.

Once you go over all of these things, the last thing you need to do is upload your piece and index your site.

#11 Initial Link Building

Part of the Authority Site System training is all about building up a network of backlinks to help increase your authority.

It is where you ideally get some authority websites to link back to your site.  This will in turn increase your authority and the speed of your chances of success.

This module goes into detail about how you can achieve this.  This is a comprehensive training module.

#12 Affiliate Setup

A sign that this is a legitimate training course is that you will find no mention of monetising your site yet.  Affiliate Marketing is not a get-rich-quick scheme and requires a lot of time and effort.

Part of this strategy is building up your authority with content before you start including affiliate links.  You need to build up trust with both the search engines and the people who land on your website.

Gael and Mark both know this better than anyone, and know how to ensure you are on the right path to enable you to make money.

This module will cover how to monetise your site with affiliate marketing.  It will show you how to find and apply for affiliate programs, how to use and manage your affiliate links, etc.

They did focus on the Amazon Associates program, but as Amazon has started to reduce the commission rate, they have started to include training on finding others too.

#13 Writing and Optimising Commercial content

Don’t get confused by the term commercial content as it is just the content where you start to recommend products or services to your readers.  This is typically where you would write a post that includes an affiliate link to a product you recommend to your readers.

You don’t want to litter your site with affiliate links, as this makes your site look like a pushy salesperson.

Commercial content includes product reviews, product comparisons, best-of lists, etc.

If you centralise your affiliate links to these kind of posts and have all of your other content linking to them, it makes for a much better environment for your readers.  They will expect you to recommend stuff in these types of posts.

This module will teach you how to create and publish your commercial content.

#14 Advanced Tactics

The advanced tactics covered this module is about taking all of the steps to the next level.  Improving your techniques and strategies.  There are also training videos on how to outsourcing elements like your content creation.

By outsourcing this time-consuming activity, you can then focus on other things like increasing conversions, and other technical bits of your website.

They cover off how to outsource and manage copywriters, promoting high-paying affiliate offers, and more…

Bonus - Becoming an Authority

The is the last module of the Authority Site System course where you will round up everything you have learned so far and carefully prepare yourself for the next few months ahead of you.

module 13-15 The Authority Site System

Whilst the training is comprehensive, it will not do the hard work for you.  This business model has a huge potential, but the training is only the beginning.

You cannot expect an immediate return on your investment.  But if you are willing to put the time and effort that they talk about within the training, then this will definitely give you the guidance to create an authority site.

The content within the training is good and offers a lot of value.  But to consider whether it’s worthwhile for you, you need to consider how much time and effort you are willing to put in.

For now, if you want to get an inside look into the training the video below is quite comprehensive…

How Long Does It Take To Become an Authority in Your Niche?

There isn’t an exact answer to this, as there are many factors to consider.  It will depend on the niche, the time and effort you put in, and whether you are doing it right.

There will also be a difference of opinion from online marketers.  Some will say this and some will say that.

But from my experience I would say it will take you between 6-12 months to gain an authority within a niche.  12-24 months to become established.

As i said, this will also depend on how much time you put in.  If you can find at least an hour. a day, those timescales are realistic.  If you can only give an hour a week, then this might take you double the amount of time.

The thing to consider is that the strategies within The Authority Site System will take a lot of time and effort.  If you find the right niche that doesn’t have much competition and you invest all of your time and effort in.  Then you might find it becomes an authority quicker.

But you cannot expect immediate results from this.  You can take a look at this video podcast where he talks about “getting rich” with affiliate marketing

Who Is The Authority Site System For?

The Authority Site System is aimed at beginners, but it’s NOT for everyone.

Building an authority niche website takes time, effort, and quite frankly, hard work.  This is not a business model that will have you sitting on the beach whilst the money rolls in.  Despite what some online marketers tell you.

You need someone willing to invest for the long term and do everything you can to make it happen.  

There are over 180 lessons to go through and you need to then take action from each of them to make your goals a reality.

If you want to try it out, that isn’t the mindset it will take.  If you are ready to commit (not just the money) to make this a reality, then this might be the right move for you.

You have to be ready to commit to at least a year to understand all of the concepts they will teach you and then more than that to build it into an authority that will earn you an income.

Too many marketers might go this is ideal for beginners…  But as it doesn’t offer a free trial, you need to be serious first.

If you’re just looking to build a website, this might not be the right move for you.

Moreover, it is for the individuals who have financial means to follow through with this course because as you’re about to see in the next section of the Authority Site System review, this course is not cheap.

From the value that is offered within, I would suggest that this is for beginners who have the budget and tenacity to make this happen.  But I also feel there is a lot of value to an intermediate marketer looking for help with their authority or conversions.

I would say the Authority Site System is for:

  • serious individuals
  • hard workers
  • affiliate marketers
  • content creators
  • SEOs
  • bloggers
  • website owners

Who Is The Authority Site System Not For?

If you’re looking for a shortcut to success, then you will be disappointed here.  I have yet to find a legitimate course that does just that.  But if you want to keep looking, go ahead.

The Authority Site System requires you to take action from the training within, and if you’re not willing to put the time, effort, and hard work in.  Then you won’t get anything out of it.

It is also not for people who don’t want to build authority sites, create content, rank in the search engines, help people solve problems, etc.

Alternative: On the other hand, if you’re looking to learn the best business model to earn passive income online as a beginner, there are other, more suitable, and cost-effective alternatives elsewhere…

My #1 recommended course has helped me go from earning $0 to $100’s per day!


How Much Does The Authority Site System Cost?

The price of the course is originally pitched at $999.  But they do offer you a free video to learn more about what you’ll be doing, whilst offering you a limited 40% discount.  

So, you can get The Authority Site System for $599.  You get all of the training modules, plus access to their private Facebook group.

You will find no upsells within the course, which is good news!  But to follow the steps they talk you through, they will recommend external tools, which will require you to pay for them.

That’s right, TASS is only training.  So you will need to spend money on the tools to achieve that authority site.

You will need to pay for:

  • website and hosting
  • tools
  • outsourcing

They don’t hide that fact, it’s in their FAQ section.  But you should be prepared to pay between $200-$500 a month for these things.

An example would be that they recommend Ahrefs, which is a keyword research tool that is also costs $99/month.

Can You Get a Refund?

If you do want to take it for a test run, then you can wave a sigh of relief as they do offer a 30-day refund policy.  You only have to email them and they will give you a refund, no question asked.

The Authority Site System Refund Policy

The good news is that the refund is issued with no strings attached. In other words, you don’t have to jump through hoops to get your money back.

Just make sure to reach out in time and that’s it!

What Do You Get with The Authority Site System?

There is a lot of value here, but it is still $599 + additional costs for the tools.  So it’s important to understand what you are getting for your money…

The Authority Site System Review - What It Includes

Here’s a breakdown of what you will get access to:

  • 180+ Step-by-Step Video Lessons
  • Real Life Case Studies
  • Content Templates
  • To-Do CheckLists
  • Access to the Authority Hacker Facebook Community
  • Live Q&A Sessions

Is The Authority Site System a Scam?

No, The Authority Site System isn’t a scam.   There are no red flags that even point to it being considered as a scam.

Scams don’t provide you with all of the information you need to make a decision, like the owners or their credentials for you to hand over your money.

They blatantly lie to you and use dirty tricks to get you to believe their crap.

There is no sign of that with Authority Hacker and the Authority Site System.  They offer a free 30-minute webinar before you decide to sign up which has a lot of valuable information to share.

This shows you that Gael and Mark have a lot to offer and that their course is worth the fee.

Even if you do get inside the course and then decide it isn’t for you or you were misled.  You can ask for a refund, and they will give it to you without question.

A scam would not do that for you…

Do I Recommend The Authority Site System?

For the right person, Yes, I could recommend the Authority Site System.  The training will help you build an authority niche website.

But that recommendation only comes to people who are willing to invest a lot of time, effort, and money into this business.

Building an authoritative website takes a lot more effort than was required ten years ago.

A website has to prove to the search engines that it is serious about being online and providing high-quality content that helps people make decisions.  It also needs to be SEO-optimised to help that goal.  Only then will it be considered an authority.

This means you need to be serious about building that authority in the right way, for you to consider whether The Authority Site System is the right move for you.

I would say that the Authority Site System is best for people who like blogging, writing, and would like to turn their passions into profits through affiliate marketing.

Newbies might find it a bit overwhelming in some areas.

Alternative: On the other hand, if you’re looking to learn the best business model to earn passive income online as a beginner, there are other, more suitable, and cost-effective alternatives elsewhere…

My #1 recommended course has helped me go from earning $0 to $100’s per day!


The Authority Site System: Pros

There are a lot of positives to the Authority Site System.  It isn’t my top recommended course, but it is one of the top courses available online.  Here are some of the pros of TASS…

Top-Rated comprehensive training

First off, there is the fact that this is a comprehensive training course in building an authority site.  It covers off so many important topics, without missing a step.  But then there is also the fact it is ranked highly by so many people.

It’s a top course and for the right individual, it will definitely teach you what you need to know.

It offers over 180 video training modules but it also includes a lot of additional resources and case studies for you to follow.

Access to a Facebook community

Doing this sort of thing on your own can be really daunting.  Early on I found out how beneficial it was to have a community to ask questions to.  Or learn from.  I don’t think I would have been able to stay motivated without the support from the community I am a member of.

So, being able to access a community and get your questions answered by Gael and Mark are a major benefit.

Facebook group - The Authority Site System

They currently have over 4,000 active members in their Facebook group.  It is a private group, so you know that only members of Authority Hacker are within it.  Meaning people who are just like you, or have lots of experience to share with you.

Includes a lot of templates and resources

Alongside the training and case studies, they provide a lot of additional stuff to sweeten the deal.  They provide templates for you to use and other resources to help you get the most out of the course.

Success stories

A lot of fake programs use fake testimonials to make it look better than it really is.  So it was refreshing to see some real success stories from members who had learned a lot from taking the Authority Site System seriously.  They had the big case studies on their post, but there are some other real examples, including those who had just made their first sale.

With a quick search online, you will find some real testimonials for the Authority Site System, most of which are positive.

Mark & Gael are well-known marketers

They really know their stuff.  I’ve been following them for a while and I’ve learned loads, just from their YouTube channel and their blog.

The entire Authority Site System course was based on their experience after building multiple authority sites in several niches. They really know what it means and takes to build a brand new site and rank it on top of the SERP.

It has a no-quibble refund policy

I would have preferred them to have a free trial, due to the high price that goes with the course.  But the fact that they give you a risk-free 30-days to request a refund if you’re not happy, is a good second.

This allows you to take it for a test drive and decide whether you want to carry on or ask for your money back.

The Authority Site System Refund Policy

There is nothing online to say that they don’t give you your money back either.  I’ve seen many complaints about other programs that promise the same, but then don’t give you your money back.

Mark and Gael are the real deal and honour the agreement.  You ask for a refund within the 30-days and you will get it back.

It's constantly being updated

The online world is ever-changing.  That means that the online training courses have to keep up.  So, great news from the Authority Site System as it has just been updated to version 3.0.  This takes into account all of the changes that you need to know to become an authority in 2022.

This shows you that you can expect future updates from Mark and Gael too.  Too many courses don’t take the time to update the course, yet still expect you to pay full-whack.


The last concern on my list is the fact that it doesn’t give you an unrealistic expectation of what is required.  Many courses hype up the opportunity or timescales.

Have you seen a course that promises you to be earning money by the end of the day?  Yeh, those are the course I’m on about.

The Authority Site System doesn’t do that.  When you check out their blog or YouTube channel, they are realistic in what they say.  There are no misleading claims that would point it being a possible scam.

The Authority Site System: Cons

Nothing online is perfect, and I’ve already expressed that I don’t believe the Authority Site System is for everyone.  It does have a few things you should consider before making your final decision.

The price will put most beginners off

The first thing on my list is the price.  Don’t get me wrong, there is a lot of value within this course.  It is constantly updated and provides real strategies that I know work.

But it is also $599 before you add any costs for the tools and resources needed to put that training into action.  This will often put off a lot of beginners from even considering it.

There is the 30-day “no-questions-asked” refund to consider.  But if you haven’t got $599 in the first place, it can be a problem.

I also don’t believe it is clear from the sales page that you will need to have additional funds too.  It is in their FAQ, but not everyone will read their sales page fully.

It doesn't include any tools

The price of the TASS course doesn’t include any tools.  You will need to pay extra for a website and hosting.  Then there is the keyword research tool, outsourcing content creation, and any other costs that might be involved.

There are recommended tools, but these are an additional cost.

Lack of a free trial

A money-back guarantee is a major plus, regarding TASS.  But it also does mean that there is no free test drive or trial that you can take.  There is the 30-minute initial video which provides 7 tips.  But I also listed 4 additional tools that you would need to pay for too.

The fact that the price is $599, which is a lot of money is a barrier to most people considering it.  It’s a lot of money to hand over if you’re still not convinced it’s the right move for you.

You kind of have to decide upfront that you are going to commit to what they teach you, without knowing exactly what they do teach.

Authority sites are not for everyone (it requires hard work)

Building authority niche websites is not for everyone.  It takes a lot of hard work, time and effort to see it through.

It sounds like an appealing idea.  Having an authority website that loads of people visit and gets help and advice.  Then they click on some of your affiliate links and earn you a passive income.

It sounds fantastic.  But not everyone is up for the challenge of getting it to that point.  I also think that Mark and Gael make it sound easier than it is.

This is because it will depend on the niche you choose, amongst other things.

Building authority sites and affiliate marketing is not a fast way to make money online.

If you’re looking for faster ways to earn income online, you should check out courses that focus on paid ads such as Super Affiliate System or Commission Hero.

But keep in mind that these courses are equally expensive and require a substantial ad budget

It could be overwhelming for beginners

This course is aimed at beginners looking to get online by building an authority website or someone looking to make money online.  I think, for the most part, the training would be ok for a beginner.

However, I think there are elements within the 180+ videos that would have a beginner feeling overwhelmed.

When I first got started, there was a lot for me to get my head around and the training I took didn’t go into the same kind of detail as TASS, for good reason.

If you’re a beginner with no skills and previous knowledge, I would recommend watching free YouTube videos to understand the whole picture first.

Only because if you jumped straight into the Authority Site System without any knowledge, then you will want to quit…

No Technical Support System

The Authority Site System does teach you how to build a website.  But that is all they do, show you how to do it.

This means that any issues you encounter with your site (we all do, at times) will be left down to you to deal with.  You will need to work with support to get it resolved and pick up any cost that goes with it.

And trust me, there will be many issues with your site!

So when that happens, you want to have access to a super-helpful Site Support team. In other words, you need someone to take care of these problems so that you can focus on building your content.

The Authority Site System is a good course overall, but more support would be better.

Biased Positive TASS Reviews?

This once can be seen in two ways.  There are many online reviews that are really positive about the Authority Site System.  This is good and shows that people think it’s a fantastic course.  Why wouldn’t you trust them, right?


A number of these reviews are from affiliates who are promoting it in the hope you click their affiliate link to earn a commission on the sale.

The problem with some of these reviews is that they don’t disclose all of the details you need to know first.

This might be that they hide the amount of time and effort needed to see success with the course.  Or, they don’t tell you that you will need to spend more than just the initial fee.

Here’s an example of one from YouTube…

He is an honest marketer and has been very successful.  But his review is a little biased…

The Authority Site System Alternatives

If after reading this, you feel that The Authority Site System isn’t quite right for you, here are some alternatives course to consider…

Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate is an all-in-one affiliate marketing business portal.  It offers all of the tools and private coaching that you would need to get started, without any additional costs. It might even be a better course in terms of the quality of the information it provides, and the frequency it gets updated.

It also provides a website builder, hosting, and keyword research all within the membership.  

You can join WA for free, and it will only cost you $49/month to get access to the training, tools, and support of the huge community. 

Legendary Marketer

Legendary Marketer is another well-known training program.  It is aimed at those looking to make money promoting high-ticket items.  It’s not focused on slow success and is a high-quality course.  But this quicker route to making money will require a budget for paid ads.

The Super Affiliate Network

If you would prefer to learn how to create simple websites or sales funnels, then The Super Affiliate Network might be a good alternative for you.  Keep in mind it will require a lot of extra investment though.

But it does offer a free trial, so you can at least see what it’s all about.

Commission Hero

If you are looking to make money with ClickBank, then Commission Hero might be a good option for you.  It’s a training course that has been created by one of the top CB affiliates and provides a lot of value.

The only issue we have is that the course has a high price and will require you to pay for paid ads, which means more money.

Affiliate Lab

Similar to The Authority Site System, the Affiliate Lab course teaches how to rank sites on Google, and earn through affiliate marketing. However, the Affiliate Lab takes it one step further and shows how to sell these sites for 40x profits.

The Authority Site System Review: Conclusion

So, what are the final scores for the Authority Site System???

Well, I believe it to be a very comprehensive training course that will teach you affiliate marketing.  It provides a lot of valuable information delivered without hype or BS.  They offer live case studies with the training, so you can see how to achieve the steps in an easy-to-follow manner.

So, it’s all good?  A few things don’t make it my top recommended training program.  This is mainly down to the price of the program + the additional tools that are needed.

The training could be overwhelming for someone who lacks any online knowledge, which could lead to people quitting without really getting to grips with the training.  Most people looking to make money online will lack this basic knowledge, which puts many people at risk of not seeing the benefits of this course.

If you have the budget and know something about affiliate marketing and are willing to commit to a year of hard graft, it might be worth the price.  But you need to consider whether you are willing to work hard and follow their direction, including the extra costs there are here.

The Authority Site System is a top-rated course online, for good reason.  It’s constantly updated and can lead to success.  But you need to be willing to follow the directions to the letter!


Frequently Asked Questions

This question would depend on the amount you have to spend, but it is quite an expensive outlay if you’re still not 100% sure if affiliate marketing is the way to go for you.  

It provides a lot of valuable information and strategies that definitely do work.  If you can hustle and put the time and effort in to them.  Then you can definitely earn enough to cover the initial costs.

Yes, there is a requirement to spend additional money on tools.  Examples include costs for a website, hosting, keyword research tool, etc.

The Authority Site System suggests you will need between $200 to $500 a month extra to pay for these.

The Authority Site System does offer a 30-day money back guarantee.  That way you can take the program for a tour without any risk, as you can ask for your money back.

The only watch out is that if you do buy any additional tools, as per their suggestions, then you may not be able to get a refund from those.

The Authority Site System teaches you how to build an authority niche website to earn money through affiliate marketing.  This includes:

  • how to build a website
  • how to drive organic traffic from the search engines (Google, etc.)
  • how to apply for affiliate programs
  • make money from affiliate marketing

Definitely!  Mark and Gael are definitely experts when it comes to building an authority website and have a lot of credentials that show how well people have done by taking The Authority Site System training seriously.

There is no evidence that The Authority Site System is a scam.  It’s not a pyramid scheme, MLM, or a get-rich-quick scheme (which btw, never actually work).  It’s a legitimate training course aimed at introducing beginners to building an authority website and making money.

The price is a little high for beginners, but there is little doubt that it will teach you what you need to know to find success.

The main reason why people fail and start calling something a scam is because it doesn’t work for them, or they give up.

There is nothing Mark and Gael can do to help someone not willing to put the effort in…

It can take up to a year for you to see results with The Authority Site System.  The process of making money with affiliate marketing is a slow one.  It will also depend on how much time and effort you put into it.  A realistic goal would be to put 12 months of hard work into it, if you want it to make you some money!

Yes. Users are getting results with this course. There are many positive testimonials and reviews available online.

Note: The results that are shown are from the people working really hard to get those results.

The answer is subjective.  There can be no guarantee from the owners of The Authority Site System or any other program.  The results will be determined by how much time and effort you put into following the right strategies.

If you only put an hour a week in and hope for the best, you will not see any results to your liking.  If you put an hour a day but waste it.  You will see the same.

But if you can put an hour a day into learning and implementing what you learn, then you will have limitless potential as far as earnings are concerned.

People are making full-time incomes from affiliate marketing.  But we all have to start somewhere…

How Do I Make Money Online?

My #1 recommendation is a platform that offers everything a budding affiliate marketer would need.  It offers a step-by-step beginner-friendly training course that will take you through all the steps you need to build your own profitable online business.  It has helped me go from $0 to earning $100’s a day with affiliate marketing.

The reason why I recommend it over all of the other courses is that they are the leader in the affiliate marketing training industry.

Not only do they offer world-class training, but they also offer all of the tools you need too.  Including web hosting, website builder, keyword research tool, etc.

The success rate speaks for itself, with thousands of users earning good incomes from following their methods.

Then there is the fact that my top-rated course is the largest online community of marketers you will find, of all levels.

This means that you can get help 24/7 and get answers from thousands of expert coaches, including me!

Best of all, I used this exact system to go from $0 to $1000’s per month in passive income!

Amongst the best features of my #1 ranked course is that you can take it for a test drive (just a $49 Premium subscription).

You will get one complimentary site and access to the very first ten lessons from the course to try things out.

Wealthy Affiliate is the best course online for learning effective strategies to make money online with affiliate marketing!

If you’re looking to do the same, then click the button below:

Thanks for reading my The Authority Site System Review!  If you have any questions, or any experiences to share then please write them in the comments below. ;). 

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1 year ago

This is an excellent article in which you have explained nicely what the authority site system is and their course it is also very important that you are sure that their course is legitimate and not a scam.

Of course, this can be accepted by anyone who has a slightly bigger budget, since it is not cheap, and it takes at least a year to see real results .

For beginners with a smaller budget, it may be better to take your #1 recommendation Wealthy Affiliate Platform.

Thank you for this article and I’m sure it will be useful for many to find the right solution. I wish you good health.

1 year ago

Once again, thank you for another great review, this time over the Authority Site System. Like the other product you reviewed, this one is a tad bit expensive for someone like myself, who is just starting out on affiliate marketing. However, like you pointed out, they are well known and they have a YouTube channel that I could check out and possibly learn from. I just don’t feel like I could afford that right now. 

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x

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