Click Wealth System Review: Can You Really Earn Online with Matthew Tang’s Strategy?
Click Wealth System Review: Can You Really Earn Online with Matthew Tang's Strategy?

Welcome to my Click Wealth System Review!

In an online world brimming with opportunities and pitfalls, the quest for a legitimate way to make money can be as challenging as searching for a needle in a haystack. Enter the Click Wealth System, a program that’s been generating buzz and raising eyebrows in equal measure. As an affiliate marketer constantly on the lookout for platforms that deliver on their promises, I was intrigued. Could this be the breakthrough many of us have been waiting for, or is it yet another flash in the pan? This review dives deep into the Click Wealth System, dissecting every claim and feature to give you the unvarnished truth.

Navigating through the myriad of online money-making schemes requires more than just optimism; it demands a discerning eye and a willingness to question everything. With Matthew Tang’s Click Wealth System drawing attention from novices and seasoned marketers alike, it’s time to peel back the layers and see if this system stands up to scrutiny. Join me as I share my firsthand experience, from the initial sign-up to the final assessment, providing you with the insights you need to make an informed decision.

Click Wealth System Review Overview

Product Name: Click Wealth System

Owner: Matthew Tang

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing

Price: $9 front end; $443 inside the funnel; plus extra costs

Best For: No One, Really



  • Low Entry Cost
  • DFY Elements
  • Basic Introduction to Affiliate Marketing
  • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
  • Some Level of Automation


  • Is Matthew Tang Real?
  • Cannot Verify Testimonials
  • Scarcity Techniques
  • Overpromising the “Easy Life”
  • Missing Free Gift
  • Upsells, Upsells, Upsells
  • Limited Educational Content
  • Dependency on Paid Traffic
  • Don’t Own Your Own Business

Quick Summary

Diving into the Click Wealth System with both hope and skepticism, my journey through its offerings revealed a reality far from the promised land of effortless online earnings. While the allure of a low entry cost and the simplicity of a done-for-you system might catch the eye of hopeful beginners, the substance of the program struggles to match the sparkle of its sales pitch. The promise of substantial income with minimal effort, coupled with the appeal of instant website creation, unfortunately, unfolds into a maze of upsells and unfulfilled promises.

The exploration of the Click Wealth System was driven by genuine curiosity and a commitment to uncovering the truth behind its bold claims. Despite the initial intrigue, the lack of transparency regarding the program’s founder, Matthew Tang, and the reliance on unverifiable testimonials quickly cast a shadow of doubt over its legitimacy. The program’s heavy emphasis on upsells, alongside the misleading claim of a free gift, painted a clear picture of a system designed more for profit generation for its creator than for providing real value to its users.

In conclusion, while the Click Wealth System is not branded a scam, its approach and execution leave much to be desired for anyone serious about building a sustainable online business. The quest for a legitimate, transparent, and effective online money-making system continues, with the Click Wealth System falling short of the mark. For those navigating the crowded and often murky waters of internet marketing, this review serves as a reminder to approach such systems with caution and to prioritize those that offer clarity, value, and genuine support.


Recommended? No, There Are Much Better Options For Learning Affiliate Marketing

Table of Contents

Is Click Wealth System a Scam?

You might be wondering if Click Wealth System is just another one of those online scams. Well, it’s not that black and white. It’s not exactly a scam because, honestly, you do get something for your money. And hey, they offer a 30-day money-back guarantee if it’s not your cup of tea. So, there’s a safety net for you to test the waters.

But (and it’s a big but), the way Matthew Tang, the brain behind Click Wealth System, sells this program? Not really my favorite. Let me explain why.


When you see the marketing stuff for Click Wealth System, it’s hard not to raise an eyebrow. You’ve got some pretty bold claims flying around, like how you can easily rake in $500 daily by working just 30 minutes. Sounds familiar? Yeah, it does to me too. Reminds me of those too-good-to-be-true schemes, like Affiliate Millionaire Club or Perpetual Income 365.

And honestly, deep down, I think even Matthew knows these claims are a bit… over the top. The whole “act now or miss out” pressure, the success stories that seem a bit too perfect—it all feels like a big push to get you to open your wallet.

This approach makes me question how solid this opportunity really is. It’s like, if the system is so great, why not let it speak for itself?

Don’t worry, though. I’ve dug deep into Click Wealth System for you. In the rest of this review, I’m laying out everything—what’s to like, what’s not, and some insider info you won’t find anywhere else. So, keep reading.

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What is the Click Wealth System?

So, you’re probably wondering, “What’s the deal with the Click Wealth System?” It’s an online program that promises to teach you how to make money online through what’s called Customer Middleman Arbitrage. Fancy term, right? But it’s essentially affiliate marketing, a pretty well-known method to earn some cash online.

Matthew Tang, the guy behind this system, tries to simplify the whole process into easy steps, as you can see in the image below.


But here’s where things get a bit shaky. Matthew’s way of explaining how the system works feels a bit off. It’s all jazzed up, with lots of big promises that seem a tad unrealistic.

At its core, Click Wealth System is about picking where to find potential customers, then quickly setting up a website with their tool (apparently, it takes just 5 minutes), and finally, guiding those customers to big-name affiliate programs like Amazon, ClickBank, or eBay. The goal? To make money when these customers buy something.

Honestly, this customer arbitrage thing? It’s a solid way to start making money online, especially for beginners. It’s straightforward, doesn’t need a massive investment to start, and can actually work.

Inside the Click Wealth System, you’ll find a bunch of short videos that walk you through each step of the process. Matthew even throws in some ready-to-go landing pages to help you start promoting ClickBank products and earn some commissions.

But, and it’s a significant “but,” I’m not totally sold on this program being the ultimate guide to mastering this business model. Is Click Wealth System really the golden ticket it claims to be, or is it all smoke and mirrors? Stick with me, and let’s find out together in this review.

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How Does Click Wealth System Work?

Alright, let’s dive a bit deeper into the nuts and bolts of the Click Wealth System. Remember those three steps I mentioned? This is where Matthew Tang’s system tries to shine, focusing on funnelling targeted customers to certain websites. This method is our old friend, affiliate marketing, where you promote other people’s products on websites and through marketing funnels.

But here, it’s got a fancy name: Customer Middleman Arbitrage. 

Let’s break it down:

Step #1 – Find Your Crowd

First off, you pick a crowd to target. How? By choosing a verified customer source from an “insider” list. 

The Click Wealth System nudges you towards promoting products from giants like Amazon, ClickBank, and eBay. These platforms offer affiliate programs, meaning if you direct a customer their way and they buy something, you get a slice of the pie. And just to be clear, there’s nothing scammy about affiliate marketing itself.

The Click Wealth System pitches itself as this neat, Done-For-You (DFY) package where you grab a customer source, hook it up with your website, and integrate a third-party autoresponder (they suggest GetResponse).

Step #2 – Build Your Online Space

Next up, you’re going to need a website. But don’t panic! According to the Click Wealth System, you can have one up and running in less than 5 minutes using their cloud-based software. 

Honestly, the site builder tool is pretty slick. It lets you whip up a cloud-based website that’ll serve as your platform to connect customers with the product owners.

Step #3 – Be the Connector

Now, for the magic to happen, you need people to visit your site. The strategy? Solo Ads. This is your ticket to drawing in those visitors and kicking off the whole Customer Middleman Arbitrage dance. Your job is to guide these visitors towards Amazon and other affiliate sites. If they make a purchase, cha-ching! You earn a commission.

In my eyes, affiliate marketing is a legit path. But when it comes to this course offering top-notch value? I’m on the fence.

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What Do You Get With Click Wealth System?

So, I took one for the team and got myself the Click Wealth System. Why? To see if it’s really the golden key to online wealth it claims to be, and honestly, to snag that free gift they promised. Spoiler alert: The gift was as real as a unicorn.

Turns out, that was just the first breadcrumb in a trail leading straight into a forest of upsells. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Here’s the scoop on what’s waiting for you inside.

Welcome to the Club

First off, you’re greeted with a dashboard full of bells and whistles and a welcome video from Matthew Tang himself. 

He chats about affiliate marketing and how his system is supposedly the next big thing in making money online.

The "Training"

You get 9 lessons that feel more like quick tips than actual training. They cover basics like setting up a ClickBank account and integrating GetResponse—nothing groundbreaking.

The Extras (and the Catch)

  • Profit Pages: A couple of done-for-you (DFY) landing pages that honestly don’t bring much to the table.
  • More Pages, Please: An upsell offering more of those DFY landing pages.
  • ClickTracker: A tool for tracking clicks, which is pretty standard.
  • Free 100 Click: They throw in 100 free clicks, but that’s barely a drop in the bucket for making any real money.
  • Upsell City: Several more offers pop up, promising to amplify your profits.
  • DFY Swipes: Some pre-written email swipes to save you the trouble of crafting emails.

The DFY pages are a nice touch, saving you a bit of time. Plus, the section on buying solo ads to drive traffic could be useful for beginners. But the downside? Everyone using Click Wealth System gets the same stuff. Imagine shouting in a room where everyone is shouting the same thing. Yep, that’s the level of uniqueness we’re talking about.

And then there’s the endless sea of upsells. It feels like every corner of Click Wealth System is another opportunity for Matthew Tang to make a bit more money off you.


As for bonuses, well, let’s just say they’re about as useful as a chocolate teapot. A few more DFY landing pages and affiliate links that don’t really add any value.

After taking a good look around, it’s hard to see the Click Wealth System as anything more than a pretty standard fare with a hefty side of upselling. Valuable training, community support, tools? Not really in the package.

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How Much Does Click Wealth System Cost?

So, you’re probably itching to know: “What’s the price tag on this?” The entry ticket to the Click Wealth System world is $9. That’s it. This gets you into the training program, the site builder, and even a Facebook group where you can mingle with fellow aspirants.


But don’t let that price fool you. As I’ve hinted at in my Click Wealth System review, this is just the beginning. Once you’re in, you’re hit with a series of upsells. These are the extra goodies Matthew Tang says you’ll need to truly succeed with his system.

The Upsell Parade

  • Upsell #1 – Profit Activator for $147: Snag this, and you get 5 plugins to tweak your sites for better conversion and more leads.
  • Upsell #2 – Click Profit Multiplier for $148: A cloud-based app to whip up email swipes in a snap.
  • Upsell #3 – 5x Profit Sites for $148: This lets you churn out five more DFY websites.

Decided you don’t want them? You’ll find the option to decline these offers lurking at the bottom of each page. But here’s where it gets interesting. Say “no,” and suddenly, Matthew’s slicing prices left and right, trying to lure you back in. Smells a bit desperate, doesn’t it?

The sales funnel here is like a roller coaster that only goes up. Matthew claims these upsells are your once-in-a-lifetime chance. Miss it, and it’s gone forever. Except, that’s not quite true. Decline his upsells, and lo and behold, they magically reappear in the member’s area. So much for “never having another chance,” right?

This whole upsell drama felt more like a ploy to get more money out of my pocket rather than genuinely helping me make money online. It’s a bit disheartening to see such tactics in play, raising big red flags about the ethics behind this system.

Can You Get Your Money Back?

After wading through all this, if you start having second thoughts (like I did), there’s a silver lining. Click Wealth System comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you end up feeling duped or simply decide it’s not for you, you can reach out to their support and ask for a refund. At least there’s that.

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Are Click Wealth Students Getting Results?

Now, onto the million-dollar question: Are people actually making money with Click Wealth System, or is it all just smoke and mirrors? Well, apart from a handful of testimonials in the sales video that feel about as reliable as a two-dollar bill, the evidence is pretty thin on the ground.


Diving deeper, all I could dig up were reviews echoing my sentiments—none too positive. Sure, there’s a bunch of review videos floating around on YouTube. But here’s the catch: a good chunk of these are whipped up by folks who are in it to earn a commission. How can you tell? Look out for affiliate links in their video descriptions, disclaimers about partnerships, or even that unmistakable AI voiceover vibe.

So, do these glowing testimonials hold water? Not really. When someone’s main goal is to get you to open your wallet so they can snag a commission, it’s hard to take their word as gospel.

The bottom line here? The real proof is in the pudding, and in this case, it seems like the pudding might just be a mirage. The absence of solid, verifiable success stories from actual students is a glaring red flag. It suggests that maybe, just maybe, Click Wealth System isn’t the golden ticket it’s made out to be.

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Who Is Click Wealth System Best For?

Navigating through the Click Wealth System, I’ve been on the lookout for who this program is genuinely designed for. And, to be perfectly candid, it’s tough to pinpoint anyone outside of its creator, Matthew Tang, who might reap real benefits.

From my perspective, the program feels more like a series of prompts leading you towards spending more than you bargained for, rather than a solid educational platform that delivers on its promises. It’s as if the main goal is to entangle you in a web of upgrades and upsells without offering substantial learning or growth opportunities in return.

Even for seasoned marketers who might think they can glean some nugget of wisdom from this system, the reality is likely to mirror my own experience: a blend of frustration and disillusionment. The content and strategies presented are neither revolutionary nor particularly insightful, which begs the question: Who is this system actually for?

The unfortunate answer seems to be that it’s tailored for the benefit of its creator and the affiliates promoting it, who earn commissions off the backs of newcomers to the digital marketing scene. These newcomers, eager to find a foothold in online income, may not yet have the experience to see through the smoke and mirrors.

Throughout my journey with Click Wealth System, a nagging thought persisted: “Is this just another elaborate scam?” It’s a harsh question to confront, but it’s important to remain objective and critically evaluate the value—or lack thereof—being offered.

Before we jump to conclusions, let’s weigh both sides carefully. Stay tuned as we conclude this review with a balanced overview of the pros and cons of the Click Wealth System.

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Who Is Click Wealth System Best For?

Before we dive into the final verdict, let’s first highlight some aspects of the Click Wealth System that some users might find appealing, recognizing that every product has its silver linings:

  • Low Entry Cost: With an initial price point of just $9, the barrier to entry is quite low, making it accessible for those curious about online marketing without a significant upfront investment.
  • Done-For-You Elements: For beginners overwhelmed by the prospect of starting from scratch, the done-for-you (DFY) components like landing pages might offer a semblance of a head start.
  • Basic Introduction to Affiliate Marketing: Newcomers to affiliate marketing might appreciate the overview and the step-by-step process outlined in the Click Wealth System, serving as a basic primer to the world of online affiliate sales.
  • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee: This safety net allows you to test the waters with the assurance that you can get your investment back if the program doesn’t meet your expectations.
  • Some Level of Automation: The emphasis on automation and the use of cloud-based software can appeal to those looking for solutions that require minimal manual intervention.

It’s essential to acknowledge these facets of the program, as they might resonate with certain individuals looking for a very introductory glimpse into making money online. However, it’s crucial to balance these potential pros with a critical eye towards the overall value and sustainability of the methods being taught.

As we navigate through the sea of online money-making schemes, understanding the nuances and weighing the pros against the cons becomes key in making informed decisions. Stay tuned as we delve into a comprehensive analysis that considers all angles.

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What I Don’t Like About Click Wealth System

Diving into the Click Wealth System with an open mind, I aimed to uncover the truth behind the glossy promises. However, my journey through the program revealed several significant concerns that potential users should be aware of before diving in.

From questionable marketing tactics to the lack of substantial educational content, the following sections detail the key areas where the Click Wealth System falls short of expectations.

The Mystery of Matthew Tang

The face behind the Click Wealth System, Matthew Tang, remains an enigma. Despite scouring through the sales pitch and the official website, tangible information about Matthew is scarce. This lack of transparency is a red flag, making it hard to trust the system right off the bat.

Unverifiable Customer Testimonials

The sales pitch is peppered with customer testimonials, but there’s a catch—they’re impossible to verify. Having reviewed countless products, the pattern of potentially fabricated testimonials is troubling. It’s a common tactic that does more to raise doubts than build credibility.

The Illusion of Scarcity

You’re greeted with a claim that only “100 spots left!” But this sense of urgency likely isn’t rooted in truth. Fake scarcity is a classic sales tactic designed to rush you into a decision, not a sign of a product’s value or legitimacy.

Overpromising the Easy Life

The idea that you can make a fortune by working just 30 minutes a day is, frankly, unrealistic. Anyone with experience in affiliate marketing knows that it requires much more effort and time. Such overhyped claims set false expectations.

The Missing Free Gift

Matthew Tang’s promise of a free gift turns out to be nothing more than a hook. Going through the entire sales funnel without receiving any such gift feels misleading and casts doubt on the program’s integrity.

An Upsell-Heavy Sales Funnel

The Click Wealth System seems to prioritize making more money from you through upsells than genuinely helping you earn. The sales funnel is loaded with aggressive marketing tactics and empty promises, leaving a sour taste.

Limited Educational Content

With only 9 lessons and a handful of DFY pages, the educational component of the Click Wealth System is underwhelming. Effective affiliate marketing requires comprehensive training and tools, both of which are lacking here.

Dependency on Paid Traffic

The strategy heavily relies on purchasing solo ads for traffic, which is risky and potentially costly. Without guarantees of quality traffic or conversions, you’re left gambling with your investment.

You Don’t Really Own Your Business

The DFY pages you get are not truly yours; they’re hosted on a sub-domain controlled by Matthew Tang. This means your entire online presence is at the mercy of the program’s continuity, a precarious position for any business.

In Summary

While exploring the Click Wealth System, these concerns stood out as significant drawbacks. The lack of transparency, reliance on misleading sales tactics, and insufficient educational content suggest that the program might not be the golden opportunity it claims to be.

Let’s proceed to the final verdict to see if Click Wealth System holds up as a legitimate affiliate marketing opportunity or if it’s just another entry in the long list of online money-making schemes.

Click Wealth System Review – Conclusion

Having personally joined the Click Wealth System and invested my own $9 to peel back the layers, I embarked on this journey not just as a reviewer but as someone genuinely curious about its potential. My intent was never to sway you with affiliate bias; I pride myself on recommending only what I believe to be truly valuable and legitimate.

Throughout my exploration of the Click Wealth System, I couldn’t shake the feeling of disappointment. The promised free gift turned out to be nothing more than a marketing mirage. The revolutionary system I hoped to uncover was, in reality, a series of upsells and marketing tactics that left me feeling misled rather than enlightened.

The final straw was requesting a refund from ClickBank. While I wouldn’t label the Click Wealth System as an outright scam, it falls short of the standards I set for something I’d recommend. The journey for the ideal online money-making system is fraught with promises and pitfalls, and unfortunately, this system leans more towards the latter.

I appreciate you taking the time to read through my review. Your thoughts, experiences, and opinions are invaluable, so I encourage you to share them below. Together, we can navigate the complex world of online opportunities with open eyes and honest discussions. Is the Click Wealth System a path to success, or is it a road best avoided? Your input can help shed more light on this question.

How Do I Make Money Online?

My #1 recommendation is a platform that offers everything a budding affiliate marketer would need.  It offers a step-by-step beginner-friendly training course that will take you through all the steps you need to build your own profitable online business.  It has helped me go from $0 to earning $100’s a day with affiliate marketing.

The reason why I recommend it over all of the other courses is that they are the leader in the affiliate marketing training industry.

Not only do they offer world-class training, but they also offer all of the tools you need too.  Including web hosting, website builder, keyword research tool, etc.

The success rate speaks for itself, with thousands of users earning good incomes from following their methods.

Then there is the fact that my top-rated course is the largest online community of marketers you will find, of all levels.

This means that you can get help 24/7 and get answers from thousands of expert coaches, including me!

Best of all, I used this exact system to go from $0 to $1000’s per month in passive income!

Amongst the best features of my #1 ranked course is that you can take it for a test drive (just a $49 Premium subscription).

You will get one complimentary site and access to the very first ten lessons from the course to try things out.

Wealthy Affiliate is the best course online for learning effective strategies to make money online with affiliate marketing!

If you’re looking to do the same, then click the button below:

Thanks for reading my Click Wealth System Review!  If you have any questions, or any experiences to share then please write them in the comments below. ;). 

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