Is Peter Pru’s Ecommerce Empire Builders Worth It? Full Review
Is Peter Pru's Ecommerce Empire Builders Worth It? Full Review

In the ever-evolving world of eCommerce, finding the right guidance can make all the difference between success and failure. With so many courses promising to teach you the secrets of online business, it’s crucial to separate the genuine opportunities from the noise. One course that has been gaining attention is Ecommerce Empire Builders by Peter Pru.

But is this course really worth your time and money? Does it deliver on its promises, or is it just another overhyped program? In this review, we’ll dive deep into the content, cost, pros, and cons of Ecommerce Empire Builders to help you determine if it’s the right fit for your eCommerce journey.

Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or a complete beginner, this review will give you the insights you need to make an informed decision about Peter Pru’s course. Let’s get started!

Ecommerce Empire Builders Review Overview

Product Name: Ecommerce Empire Builders

Owner: Peter Pru

Product Type: Dropshipping Training Course

Price: $1, 997 one time or $597 five times, plus extra costs

Best For: It’s an ok course to teach the basics



  • Peter Pru is Legit
  • Course is Based on Workable and Legit Method
  • Shows How to Get Free Traffic
  • Offers a 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee


  • It’s Too Expensive
  • Comes With Extra Costs
  • Tricky Refund Policy

Quick Summary

Ecommerce Empire Builders by Peter Pru is a comprehensive course designed to teach aspiring entrepreneurs how to build and scale an eCommerce business using sales funnels, dropshipping, and paid advertising. With Peter’s extensive experience in the eCommerce space and his straightforward teaching style, the course offers actionable strategies that can help you navigate the complexities of online business. The inclusion of modules on free traffic methods like YouTube and influencer marketing adds value, making the course more well-rounded.

However, Ecommerce Empire Builders comes with a hefty price tag of $997, and there are additional costs to consider, such as ClickFunnels, autoresponders, and Facebook ads. These expenses can add up quickly, making it less accessible for those on a tight budget. While the course covers essential topics, some areas, particularly the Facebook Ads module, could benefit from more depth and advanced strategies.

Overall, Ecommerce Empire Builders is a legitimate and solid course for those serious about entering the eCommerce world. It’s best suited for individuals who are ready to invest both time and money into building their online business. While it’s not the most revolutionary course on the market, it provides a reliable framework for those looking to learn from a credible instructor.


Recommended? Although it's legit, Ecommerce Empire Builders is not the best ecom course

Table of Contents

Is Ecommerce Empire Builders a Scam?

Let’s cut to the chase—Ecommerce Empire Builders is not a scam. If you’re here wondering whether Peter Pru is just another online guru peddling empty promises, rest assured, this course stands on solid ground.

From my research and review, everything points to Ecommerce Empire Builders being a legitimate dropshipping course crafted by a seasoned eCommerce expert—Peter Pru. Unlike scammy programs that promise you the moon but hand you a few dusty old PLR products, Peter’s course is packed with actionable insights that can genuinely help you build an online business.

One of the key indicators of legitimacy is transparency, and Peter Pru doesn’t hide behind a curtain. He’s a real person with a proven track record in the eCommerce world, and there’s plenty of evidence to back that up. Scams often rely on fake names and shady tactics, but Peter’s credibility is reinforced by his online presence and accolades, like the 2-Comma Club honor from ClickFunnels.

Another reassuring sign? The course comes with a 30-day satisfaction guarantee. If you dive into the content and find it doesn’t meet your expectations, you can request a refund. That’s not something you typically see with scams, where the goal is to take your money and run.

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What is Ecommerce Empire Builders?

Now that we’ve established that Ecommerce Empire Builders is legitimate, let’s talk about what it actually offers. Created by Peter Pru, this course is designed for those eager to tap into the booming eCommerce market. Whether you’ve come across Peter’s ads on YouTube or stumbled upon his channel, you might already have a sense of his teaching style—but let’s break down what this course is all about.


At its core, Ecommerce Empire Builders focuses on dropshipping, a popular fulfillment method where you take customer orders on your website and have someone else handle the product delivery. What sets Peter’s program apart from the myriad of other dropshipping courses out there is his emphasis on using sales funnels, specifically through ClickFunnels, combined with his unique ‘hacking’ techniques.

In a nutshell, Peter Pru shows you how to replicate his success by leveraging sales funnels and dropshipping. He even kicks things off with a complimentary masterclass where he delves into the basics of funnel dropshipping and shares tips on how to scale your business to impressive heights.

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Who Created Ecommerce Empire Builders?

Behind the Ecommerce Empire Builders course is Peter Pru, a 28-year-old YouTuber and entrepreneur who’s been making waves in the eCommerce world. His legitimacy isn’t just talk—he’s earned the prestigious 2-Comma Club award from ClickFunnels, a clear indicator that he knows what he’s doing.

Peter’s journey in eCommerce started when he was just 18, and like many entrepreneurs, he’s faced his share of challenges along the way. His story is one of persistence and growth, and he shares a lot of his experiences on his YouTube channel.

On YouTube, Peter covers a wide range of topics, from why drop-shippers fail to beginner tips and marketing strategies. However, he keeps the most valuable insights for his online courses, where he dives deeper into the nitty-gritty details.

Interestingly, before launching Ecommerce Empire Builders, Peter also created a course called Six Figure Funnels. While some people had issues with it, it seems Ecommerce Empire Builders is essentially a rebranded and improved version of that earlier course.

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How Does Ecommerce Empire Builders Work?

As mentioned earlier, Ecommerce Empire Builders is centered around dropshipping, but it doesn’t stop there. The course dives into how to supercharge your sales using a well-structured sales funnel. The content is divided into six comprehensive modules, each packed with video lessons that guide you step by step through the process.


Essentially, Peter Pru’s course is designed to teach you how to leverage his proven system to create successful dropshipping campaigns. This involves promoting products using funnels, email marketing, influencer strategies, and Facebook ads. Let’s break down what each module covers.

Module 1 – Foundation

The journey begins with laying a solid foundation, and in this introductory module, Peter focuses on mindset. Now, I know mindset videos can sometimes feel a bit cliché, but there’s value in them. Starting with the right mindset is crucial because it separates those who succeed from those who give up when things get tough.

Module 2 – Funnels

In the second module, Peter dives into the heart of his strategy: building sales funnels. He explains not just the basics of creating funnels but also shares how to get access to done-for-you funnels that you can implement right away.

However, a quick heads-up—using ClickFunnels, the tool Peter recommends, requires a paid subscription. It can be a bit pricey, so it’s something to consider before committing to the course. That said, this module is packed with valuable insights on how to maximize every interaction with your customers, boost your conversion rates, and even generate monthly commissions on autopilot.

Module 3 – Email Marketing

Next up is email marketing, a crucial component that every eCommerce business should utilize. In this module, Peter walks you through how to collect emails from your visitors using lead generation forms. He also provides detailed guidance on which email sequences to use and what kind of content to send to your subscribers.

One of the key topics here is how to recover abandoned carts using email strategies—a must-know for anyone in eCommerce. Peter also discusses how to integrate apps that can handle these tasks automatically, making the process smoother and more efficient.

Module 4 – Influencer Marketing

The fourth module shifts focus to influencer marketing, specifically on Instagram and YouTube. This is a fantastic way to drive traffic to your store, build your brand, and ultimately boost sales. The best part? It’s a free strategy, making it a great starting point before diving into paid advertising.

Peter suggests using influencer marketing to generate leads and build brand awareness, which you can later scale with Facebook ads. It’s a more straightforward way to get started, especially if you’re new to the eCommerce game.

Module 5 – Facebook Ads

Speaking of Facebook ads, that’s what Module 5 is all about. However, I have to say this is one area where the course could use some improvement. While Peter does cover the basics of running Facebook ads, the content is somewhat light and doesn’t delve into advanced strategies.

Given the importance of Facebook ads in eCommerce, I expected more depth here. This module could benefit from a more comprehensive approach, perhaps even warranting a course of its own. If Facebook ads are a major component of your strategy, you might find this module a bit lacking.

Module 6 – Scaling

Finally, the course wraps up with scaling strategies. In this module, Peter shares how to take your business to the next level once you’ve established a steady stream of sales. The focus is on reinvesting your profits into more traffic and scaling your operations to drive even greater revenue.

This final module is where you can pick up some valuable principles that you can apply to your own business, helping you grow sustainably over time.

And that’s a wrap on Ecommerce Empire Builders. After going through the content, it’s clear that the course is legitimate. While it’s not the best eCommerce course I’ve seen, it offers solid value, especially for those new to dropshipping. I’ll dive into why it falls short in some areas in the later sections of this review.

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How Much Does Ecommerce Empire Builders Cost?

Let’s talk numbers. Ecommerce Empire Builders comes with a price tag of $1, 997. Compared to other courses in the eCommerce and dropshipping space, it’s definitely on the pricier side. But the cost of the course itself is just the beginning—you’ll need to budget for some additional expenses if you decide to dive into Peter’s system.


This is where things get a bit tricky because these extra costs aren’t highlighted upfront on the sales page, and that’s something you should be aware of before making a decision. For example, here’s what you’ll need to invest in beyond the course fee:

  • ClickFunnels – $99 per month (at minimum)
  • Autoresponder – $30 per month (or more, depending on the provider)
  • Facebook Ads – $500 per month (or more, depending on your ad spend)

When you add it all up, the total investment to fully implement Peter’s strategies can be quite significant. This is important to keep in mind, especially if you’re working with a tight budget. For beginners, eCommerce might not be the most cost-effective way to start an online business, particularly when you compare it to other methods that require less upfront investment.

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Does Ecommerce Empire Builders Offer a Refund?

Yes, Ecommerce Empire Builders does offer a refund, but there’s a catch. The course comes with a 3-day refund policy, which sounds good on paper, but in practice, it’s a bit more complicated.


To qualify for a refund, you’ll need to jump through some hoops. Specifically, you must complete the homework assignments and demonstrate that you’ve put in a genuine effort to apply what you’ve learned. It’s not a simple case of watching the videos and deciding the course isn’t for you.

Why the strict policy? The idea is that Peter’s team will try to help you overcome any obstacles you’re facing before they agree to issue a refund. Essentially, they want to make sure you’ve given it a fair shot before you walk away. While this approach might seem frustrating, it’s designed to encourage students to take action rather than give up too easily.

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Who Is Ecommerce Empire Builders Best For?

Ecommerce Empire Builders is a solid course for anyone who is serious about making a mark in the eCommerce world. If you’re ready to invest both time and money into building a dropshipping business, this course could be a great fit for you. It’s particularly well-suited for those who resonate with Peter’s teaching style and who are comfortable using paid tools like ClickFunnels.

However, don’t rush into it. Before you pull the trigger on this course, take a moment to reflect on whether it’s truly the right fit for you. If you fall into the category of individuals who are just starting out and have limited resources, or if you’re looking for a less expensive way to break into the online business world, you might want to consider other options.

The internet economy is vast, and there are countless ways to make money online. It’s crucial to have a clear “why” before you invest in a course like this. Make sure you’re fully committed and that eCommerce is the path you want to pursue before enrolling in the Ecommerce Empire Builders Academy.

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Do I Recommend Ecommerce Empire Builders?

Here’s the bottom line—I have mixed feelings about Ecommerce Empire Builders. Don’t get me wrong; it’s a legitimate and workable course, but I can’t fully recommend it, and here’s why.

First, the price. At $997, it’s a hefty investment, and I believe there are other areas where the course could be improved. For instance, it doesn’t cover SEO, which is a crucial component for driving free, organic traffic to your store. Instead, the course leans heavily on Facebook Ads, which can be tricky and expensive to manage. Plus, there’s always the risk of getting your ad account suspended, which can happen even if you’re following the rules.

SEO, on the other hand, is a more sustainable strategy. While it takes time to see results, it’s a long-term investment that can yield consistent traffic and income. Building an audience through SEO allows you to establish trust, and over time, that audience will be more likely to buy from you because they see you as a reliable source of information.

In summary, Ecommerce Empire Builders isn’t a bad course, but it’s not necessarily the best choice for everyone. If you’re willing to invest in paid traffic and are comfortable with the associated risks, it could be a good fit. But if you’re looking for a more cost-effective and sustainable approach to building an online business, you might want to explore other options.

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Ecommerce Empire Builders Review: Pros

Before diving into the nitty-gritty of any course, it’s important to weigh the benefits. Ecommerce Empire Builders offers several advantages that could make it a worthwhile investment, especially if you’re serious about building a successful eCommerce business. Let’s take a closer look at the key pros:

#1 Peter Pru is a Legitimate eCommerce Entrepreneur

One of the biggest positives is that Peter Pru is the real deal. He has a solid track record in the eCommerce space, and his success isn’t just theoretical—he’s walked the walk. His experience and credibility lend a lot of weight to the course content, which is based on strategies he’s used to build his own successful businesses.

#2 The Course is Based on a Workable and Legit Method

Unlike some online courses that offer outdated or questionable tactics, Ecommerce Empire Builders is rooted in proven methods that are still relevant today. The focus on dropshipping, combined with the use of sales funnels, provides a solid foundation for anyone looking to start or grow an eCommerce business.

#3 Shows How to Get Free Traffic (YouTube and Influencer Marketing)

While the course does emphasize paid traffic methods like Facebook ads, it also covers free traffic strategies, particularly through YouTube and influencer marketing. These methods can be incredibly effective for driving organic traffic to your store without spending a fortune on ads.

#4 Peter Offers a 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Peter stands behind his course with a 30-day money-back guarantee, which gives you some peace of mind. If you’re not satisfied with the content after giving it a fair try, you can request a refund, which adds a layer of security to your investment.

Ecommerce Empire Builders Review: Cons

No course is perfect, and Ecommerce Empire Builders is no exception. There are a few drawbacks you should be aware of before making your decision. Let’s explore the key cons:

#1 It’s Too Expensive

At $1, 997, this course is a significant investment. While it offers valuable content, the price tag may be a barrier for beginners or those on a tight budget. It’s essential to consider whether you’re willing and able to invest this amount upfront, especially when there are other, more affordable courses available.

#2 It Comes with Extra Costs

Beyond the initial course fee, you’ll need to budget for additional expenses, including tools like ClickFunnels, an autoresponder, and Facebook ads. These costs can quickly add up, making the total investment much higher than the course price alone. It’s important to be fully aware of these ongoing costs before committing to the program.

#3 Tricky Refund Policy

While a 30-day money-back guarantee sounds good, the reality is that the refund policy is quite strict. You need to complete assignments and prove that you’ve genuinely tried to implement the course content before you’re eligible for a refund. This can be a bit of a hurdle if you’re not fully satisfied with the course and want to get your money back.

Ecommerce Empire Builders Review: Conclusion

Thanks for sticking with me through this Ecommerce Empire Builders review. After going through the course in detail, it’s clear that this is a legitimate program designed to teach you how to build sales funnels and generate income through eCommerce and paid ads.

Overall, Ecommerce Empire Builders is a solid course with valuable content, especially if you’re serious about diving into the eCommerce space. However, it’s important to note that while the course offers practical strategies, it’s not exactly a game-changer in the industry. There’s room for improvement, particularly in areas like cost transparency and the depth of certain modules.

If you’re considering enrolling in Peter Pru’s course, the good news is that you’re safe from scams. The course is credible and based on real-world experience, so you can proceed with confidence if it aligns with your goals and budget.

How Do I Make Money Online?

If you’re looking to build a sustainable and profitable online business without the complexities of managing inventory, dealing with suppliers, or navigating the high costs associated with Amazon FBA or Dropshipping, I highly recommend exploring the affiliate marketing platform that transformed my financial life. This program offers everything you need to get started—from step-by-step, beginner-friendly training to powerful tools like web hosting, a website builder, and a comprehensive keyword research tool.

What makes this program stand out is its leadership in the affiliate marketing industry and its proven success record. It has empowered thousands of people, including myself, to create substantial income streams by following its straightforward methods. With access to the largest online community of affiliate marketers, you’ll benefit from 24/7 support and expert guidance every step of the way.

Why take on the risks and challenges of Amazon FBA or Dropshipping when you can build a reliable, scalable business with a system that has been tested and proven? I went from earning nothing to generating thousands per month in passive income, all thanks to this exceptional program.

Thanks for reading my Ecommerce Empire Builders Review!  If you have any questions, or any experiences to share then please write them in the comments below. ;). 

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