OPM Wealth Exposed: Scam or Legit? What You Need to Know
OPM Wealth Exposed Scam or Legit What You Need to Know

In the ever-evolving world of online income opportunities, OPM Wealth has been making waves, with bold promises of financial freedom and the chance to earn thousands of dollars with little effort. But with so many questionable schemes out there, it’s crucial to take a closer look before diving in.

If you’ve come across OPM Wealth, you might be wondering: Is this the real deal, or just another scam in disguise? With the phrase “OPM Wealth Scam” popping up in various discussions, it’s clear that many are skeptical. This review aims to uncover the truth behind OPM Wealth and its founder, Stefan Dessalines, to help you determine whether this program is worth your time and money—or if it’s just another pyramid scheme designed to benefit a select few.

In this review, we’ll break down how OPM Wealth operates, explore its pros and cons, and reveal why many consider it a risky venture. By the end, you’ll have all the information you need to decide whether OPM Wealth is a legitimate opportunity or something you should steer clear of.

So, let’s dive in and get to the bottom of OPM Wealth.

Disclaimer: This OPM Wealth review has been thoroughly researched with information and testimonials that are available online to anyone in the public.  Any conclusions drawn from that information are my own opinions.

OPM Wealth Review Overview

Product Name: OPM Wealth

Owner: Stefan Dessalines

Product Type: MLM Pyramid Scheme

Price: From $2,000 to $27,500!

Best For: The Owners & The Top 1%



  • Free to Join
  • Has Earnings Potential


  • It’s a Pyramid Scheme
  • Asks You To Borrow Money!
  • Could Collapse Easily
  • No Testimonials Or Social Proof
  • Hidden Expenses

Quick Summary

OPM Wealth presents itself as a lucrative online income opportunity, promising significant earnings with minimal effort. However, upon closer inspection, it becomes clear that this program is a classic pyramid scheme. The primary focus is on recruiting new members who are encouraged to invest in high-cost packages to unlock higher commission levels. This recruitment-driven model, combined with the lack of a legitimate product, raises serious concerns about its sustainability and legality.

While OPM Wealth does offer the potential for high earnings, these profits come at a steep price—both financially and ethically. Participants are required to invest significant amounts of money, often over $50,000, and are even encouraged to take out loans if they can’t afford it. The scheme relies heavily on bringing in new recruits to maintain its structure, making it an unstable and risky venture that could collapse at any moment, leaving members with substantial losses.

Given these factors, it’s hard to view OPM Wealth as anything other than a risky and unethical business model. While it may not be a scam in the traditional sense, its pyramid structure and focus on recruitment over genuine value make it a poor choice for those looking to earn an income online. For these reasons, I cannot recommend OPM Wealth, and I encourage anyone considering it to look for more legitimate and sustainable opportunities.


Recommended? OPM Wealth is a pyramid scheme in disguise designed to benefit Stefan and a few on the top of the scheme.

Table of Contents

Is OPM Wealth Legit?

No, OPM Wealth is not legit.

One of the things that initially caught my attention about OPM Wealth was its “free access” policy. You can sign up without paying a dime and gain access to three videos designed to draw you deeper into the scheme. And when I say “draw you in,” I mean it—they are designed to emotionally manipulate you into joining.

These videos prey on your concerns about your financial situation, especially if you’re already feeling the pressure due to current economic conditions. They promise a solution—a way to make thousands of dollars with little to no effort. But here’s the catch: to start making that money, you’ll need to recruit others into OPM Wealth. And to do that, you’ll need to invest a significant amount of money yourself.

How much money, you ask? The total cost of the packages they offer goes well over $55,000! And if you don’t have that kind of money lying around, don’t worry—they’ll show you how to take out a loan to cover it. This is where the name “Other People’s Money Wealth” really starts to make sense.

In my opinion, OPM Wealth is best described as a scam, benefiting those who run it rather than the people who fall for it. Many would go as far as to call it a pyramid scheme, a practically illegal and unsustainable business model.

Check out the OPM Wealth reviews in the comment section below if you want to see what others have experienced. And while you’re at it, avoid schemes like Digital Veteran Blueprint and Multiple Income Funnel, too. They’re just funnels leading you back to OPM Wealth.

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What is OPM Wealth?

OPM Wealth is essentially a multi-level marketing (MLM) pyramid scheme designed to recruit newcomers to promote the same business to others, using borrowed money.

“OPM” stands for “Other People’s Money.” So, if you can’t afford the expensive memberships, they’ll show you how to take out loans and use borrowed money to finance your involvement.


Here’s how it works: You join for free by watching a short introductory video featuring the host, Stefan. Then, you complete your profile and watch three more introductory videos.

At this point, you’ll be asked to schedule a call with a mentor, who will start pushing you to buy into various packages to progress through the scheme. Given that most people don’t have the financial resources to embark on such an expensive and risky venture, the company even offers some sort of credit assurance to help you get into debt.

Personally, I find it hard to see how pushing people into debt is helping them. But that’s the core of the OPM Wealth model.

Once you’re in, you’ll gain access to training and instructions on how to recruit others and earn commissions. There are several packages, and the compensation plan is a two-tier system, which I’ll break down later in this OPM Wealth review.

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Who is Stefan Dessalines?

Stefan Dessalines is the face of OPM Wealth, though it’s unclear whether he is the actual owner or just the spokesperson.


From what I could gather, Stefan appears in almost all the promotional videos and seems to be the man in charge. Before this, Stefan was an actor, but there is little information about his background in marketing or business.

Frankly, this raises some red flags. When someone is asking you to invest large sums of money, you’d want to know more about them. So, I did some digging and found Stefan’s Facebook group, which is a bit of a ghost town with only 231 members and no activity since 2017.

This doesn’t necessarily mean he’s a fraud, but it doesn’t inspire confidence, either.

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How Much Does OPM Wealth Cost?

After registering for a free account and watching the introductory videos, you’ll reach a crossroads: either join the scheme or walk away.

If you decide to join, here’s a breakdown of the packages they’ll offer you:

  • Hermes – $2,000
  • Apollo – $5,000
  • Athena – $8,500
  • Poseidon – $14,500
  • Zeus – $27,500

The names are creative, borrowing from ancient Greek mythology. But as you can see, each level costs more than the last, and to earn commissions, you’ll need to buy into these packages.

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How Does OPM Wealth Work?

As mentioned earlier, OPM Wealth is about borrowing money from banks to finance the system and recruiting others to do the same.

Some might call this a brilliant way to earn online, but I lean toward calling it a scam that benefits those at the top of the pyramid.

The process is simple: watch three videos where Stefan introduces the opportunity. Once you buy your first package, you’ll receive training on how to recruit others and start earning commissions.


But let’s break down the compensation plan, because that’s where things get interesting…

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Can You Earn With OPM Wealth?

Yes, you can earn money with OPM Wealth—but it’s contingent on recruiting others into the scheme.

Your earnings are based on your level within the system. If you’re at the Hermes level, you’ll earn commissions when your referrals purchase the same package. If they upgrade and you don’t, you won’t earn anything from their higher-level purchases.

Here’s how the compensation plan breaks down:

  • Hermes: $1,200 commission on Level 1, $200 on Level 2
  • Apollo: $3,000 commission on Level 1, $500 on Level 2
  • Athena: $5,100 commission on Level 1, $850 on Level 2
  • Poseidon: $8,700 commission on Level 1, $1,450 on Level 2
  • Zeus: $16,500 commission on Level 1, $2,750 on Level 2

This compensation structure reveals why OPM Wealth is often labeled a pyramid scheme. There are no actual products being sold, just expensive memberships and a reliance on recruiting others to sustain the model. This makes the business unsustainable in the long run, and at some point, it will collapse.

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Is OPM Wealth a Pyramid Scheme?

Yes, OPM Wealth operates as a high-ticket pyramid scheme. But before diving into how it fits this model, let’s take a moment to understand what a pyramid scheme is and why it’s considered both unethical and, in many cases, illegal.

What is a Pyramid Scheme?

A pyramid scheme is a business model that recruits members by promising payments or services primarily for enrolling others into the scheme, rather than supplying any legitimate product or service. The hallmark of a pyramid scheme is that revenue primarily comes from recruiting new members rather than from the sale of actual goods or services. (Wikipedia)

Here’s how it typically works:

  1. Recruitment-Driven Revenue: The primary way to earn money in a pyramid scheme is by recruiting new members. These new recruits pay an upfront fee, which is then distributed to the people above them in the pyramid.
  2. Lack of a Sustainable Product: Pyramid schemes often lack a real, marketable product. Any “product” offered is usually of negligible value or exists solely as a front to disguise the scheme’s true nature.
  3. Exponential Growth Requirement: For the scheme to continue paying its participants, it requires an ever-increasing number of recruits. As the number of recruits grows exponentially, it becomes impossible to sustain, leading to the inevitable collapse of the scheme.
  4. Unsustainable and Unethical: Eventually, the scheme runs out of new recruits, leaving the majority of participants with losses. The people at the top of the pyramid may profit, but those at the bottom, who are the last to join, typically lose their investment.

How Does OPM Wealth Fit the Pyramid Scheme Model?

Now, let’s break down how OPM Wealth aligns with the characteristics of a pyramid scheme:

  1. Recruitment-Driven Earnings: The primary way to make money with OPM Wealth is by recruiting others into the system. Once you join, you’re encouraged to bring in new members, who will then invest in the expensive packages. The commissions you earn are directly tied to your ability to recruit others and get them to invest in the program.
  2. No Legitimate Product or Service: OPM Wealth offers various “training packages,” but these are not products with standalone value. Instead, they serve as a vehicle for funneling money up the chain of recruits. The “training” is often just a rehash of common knowledge available freely elsewhere or is simply a means to teach you how to recruit more people into the system.
  3. High Entry Costs: The packages within OPM Wealth are incredibly expensive, ranging from $2,000 to $27,500. This high cost is typical of pyramid schemes, where significant upfront investment is required to participate, and where recruits are pressured to spend large sums of money.
  4. Exponential Growth Requirement: For OPM Wealth to continue paying out commissions, it needs a constant influx of new members willing to invest large sums of money. Given the high entry costs, the pool of potential recruits is limited, making it impossible to sustain long-term. When the recruitment dries up, the scheme will collapse, leaving those at the bottom with significant losses.
  5. Unsustainable and Risky: Like all pyramid schemes, OPM Wealth is unsustainable. The structure inherently benefits those at the top, while the majority of participants—those who join later—are likely to lose their money. This makes it both a risky and unethical business model.

Why is OPM Wealth Considered a Pyramid Scheme?

Based on these points, it’s clear that OPM Wealth fits the definition of a pyramid scheme. The focus on recruiting new members, the lack of a legitimate product, and the reliance on continuous recruitment to sustain payouts are all red flags.

When you join OPM Wealth, you’re not just signing up for a business opportunity; you’re entering a scheme where your success depends on convincing others to take the same risky and costly path. This creates a cycle of dependency, where the only way to recover your investment is by luring others into the same precarious situation.

Moreover, pyramid schemes are illegal in many jurisdictions because they are inherently fraudulent. They promise easy money but deliver financial ruin for the majority of participants. While OPM Wealth might try to present itself as a legitimate business, its structure and operation reveal its true nature as a pyramid scheme designed to enrich a few at the expense of many.

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Is OPM Wealth a Scam?

While I can’t definitively label OPM Wealth a scam without legal proof, it certainly has all the hallmarks of one.

The company isn’t registered with reputable organizations like the Better Business Bureau, and most of the information available online comes from other skeptical reviews like this one.

In other words, OPM Wealth is not a safe or smart investment. You could end up borrowing and spending thousands on a scheme that offers no tangible value and could collapse at any moment, leaving you in debt with nothing to show for it.

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OPM Wealth Review: Pros

Before diving into the downsides of OPM Wealth, let’s take a moment to consider some of the potential benefits that might attract people to this program. While these “pros” may seem appealing at first glance, it’s important to weigh them against the cons, which we’ll explore in the next section.

#1 Free to Join the Scheme

One of the most attractive aspects of OPM Wealth is that it doesn’t cost anything to join initially. You can sign up, watch the introductory videos, and explore what the program offers without making any financial commitment upfront. This “free access” can make OPM Wealth seem less risky at the start, as you’re not immediately required to part with your hard-earned money.

However, it’s essential to remember that the real costs come later, once you’re drawn deeper into the scheme. The free access is essentially a hook to get you interested and invested—both emotionally and eventually, financially.

#2 Earning Potential Is There

OPM Wealth does have the potential for high earnings, especially if you’re skilled at recruiting others. The compensation plan promises significant commissions, ranging from $1,200 to $16,500 per sale, depending on the package level. This can make the program look incredibly lucrative to those who are confident in their sales and marketing abilities.

But this earning potential comes with substantial risks, as it is tied directly to your ability to bring new members into the system. The high-ticket commissions are contingent upon a continuous stream of recruits, making the earnings far from guaranteed.

OPM Wealth Review: Cons

Now that we’ve looked at some of the potential benefits, it’s crucial to consider the significant downsides that come with OPM Wealth. These cons highlight why this program is widely regarded as a risky and potentially harmful investment.

#1 It’s a Pyramid Scheme!

The most glaring issue with OPM Wealth is that it operates as a pyramid scheme. As we discussed earlier, a pyramid scheme is an unsustainable business model that relies on recruiting new members rather than selling actual products or services of value. In OPM Wealth, your success is dependent on your ability to recruit others into the program, making it a classic example of a pyramid scheme.

This structure is not only unethical but also illegal in many places. Pyramid schemes are inherently unstable and tend to collapse once the recruitment pool dries up, leaving most participants with significant financial losses.

#2 It Asks You to Borrow Money!

Another major red flag is that OPM Wealth encourages participants to borrow money to buy into the scheme. If you don’t have the funds to purchase the high-cost packages, the program offers “credit assurance” to help you secure loans. This practice is highly concerning, as it pushes individuals into debt for the sake of participating in a risky and unproven business model.

Borrowing money to invest in something as uncertain as OPM Wealth is extremely dangerous. It could lead to significant financial stress and long-term debt, especially if you’re unable to recruit others and recoup your investment.

#3 It Could Collapse Easily

Pyramid schemes like OPM Wealth are notorious for their instability. Since the program relies on a continuous influx of new recruits to sustain the earnings of existing members, it’s only a matter of time before the scheme collapses. Once the recruitment rate slows down or stops, the entire system can fall apart quickly, leaving many participants with nothing.

The collapse of a pyramid scheme can happen without warning, and those who joined later in the game are often left with substantial financial losses and no way to recover their investment.

#4 No Testimonials or Any Other Proof

When evaluating any business opportunity, testimonials and proof of success are critical factors. Unfortunately, OPM Wealth offers neither. There are no credible testimonials or third-party validations that support the claims made by the program. This lack of evidence is a huge red flag and suggests that the success stories they promote may be exaggerated or entirely fabricated.

Without genuine proof of success, it’s challenging to trust that OPM Wealth delivers on its promises. This lack of transparency should make any potential participant wary of getting involved.

#5 Hidden Expenses

Lastly, OPM Wealth comes with a series of hidden expenses that aren’t immediately apparent when you first join. While the initial sign-up is free, the real costs come later, as you’re encouraged to purchase expensive packages and possibly even invest in marketing campaigns to recruit others.

These hidden expenses can quickly add up, making OPM Wealth far more costly than it initially appears. The pressure to continually invest more money to move up the ranks or maintain your position within the scheme can lead to a financial burden that many participants aren’t prepared for.

OPM Wealth Review: Conclusion

In conclusion, OPM Wealth is a classic example of a pyramid scheme that centers on recruiting people into a highly questionable program. The main objective is to persuade members to upgrade through a series of increasingly expensive packages, unlocking higher commission levels and encouraging them to recruit others to do the same.

To stand a chance of “success” within this scheme, you’d need to invest over $50,000 and be able to convince others to part with their money in the same way. This creates a cycle where the only way to profit is by continuously bringing new people into the fold, which is the hallmark of a pyramid scheme.

While OPM Wealth may not be a scam in the traditional sense, it is a pyramid scheme—and that’s just as problematic. Pyramid schemes are illegal in many jurisdictions because they are inherently unsustainable and often lead to significant financial losses for the majority of participants. The focus on recruitment over any legitimate product or service makes this business model risky and unethical.

Given all these factors, I cannot in good conscience recommend OPM Wealth to my readers. There are far smarter, more legitimate ways to earn an income online that don’t involve the significant financial risk or ethical concerns associated with pyramid schemes like this one.

That wraps up my review and thoughts on OPM Wealth. I hope you found this information valuable and that it helps you make an informed decision about where to invest your time and money.

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Thanks for reading my OPM Wealth Review!  If you have any questions, or any experiences to share then please write them in the comments below. ;). 

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